"Wild Forever". A Tribute to Maurice Sendak

May 8, 2015

"Wild Forever". A Tribute to Maurice Sendak

3 years ago today, Aviva Michaelov at the NY Times messaged me about a quick commission. She asked me if I would create a piece of tribute art and write a small obit for Maurice Sendak, who had just died that day. Still in a daze from learning that terrible news, I agreed. I don't even remember thinking, I just drew a single sketch in 2 minutes of one of my characters in a Max costume, and sent it to her. It was approved and in the end, met with a lot of praise. His estate invited me to the funeral service but I was unable to get to NYC due to other travel commitments. This tribute picture has a lot of reach and many people still message me all the time wanting a print, and I know of at least 15 tattoos of this art out there. I called the art, "Wild Forever" because it seemed fitting and judging by the tremendous reaction, I think many people feel the same way. RIP Mr. Sendak.